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Introduction to the Forex Scalping Course


It easier to make lots of small profits rather than one big one!

This Forex Scalping Course incorporating strategy, money management and trading plan aims to do just that by creating clear achievable daily objectives.

A lot of thought and experience has gone into this method; the trading tactics are incorporated into the risk reward ratio and the financial plan is integrated into the trading plan, so it works as one. 

This scalping system is introduced with three modules, "Forex Scalping Strategy1", "Money Management" and "TradingLevels Scalping" modules.   

Online Course Topics Modules

1. Forex Scalping Strategy  
    - Recognising the Trade Set Up
    - Entering the trade long or short at the correct price
    - Placing the Initial stop at the correct price
    - Tools for trailing and protecting the trade
    - Exact price to take profit for each trade
2. Money Management Trading Plan for Scalping Forex
   This is partly discretional but within clearly defined mechanical limits and the rest of the plan is clear and straight forward.
3. TradingLevels Scalping – Sample with both EURUSD & AUDUSD
- Your aim is towards simple, very small profits.
   - You will work with a financial plan that will increase contracts not pips.
   - You will develop a real understanding of how to work with price.
   - Your aim is to develop total control of the trade.

Most of our
education is for
Members Only

Education Pages
» TradingLevels® Fastrack Intro
To understand the TradingLevels®

» Understanding SubLevels
TradingLevels for Intraday Trading
» Robo Education
Intro to Systems, Psychology, 
Basic Rules and FAQs
» Forex Scalping Course
Topics Covered:
-Forex Scalping Strategy1
-Money Management Plan
-TradingLevels Scalping   
» Online Courses
With the following topics:
- Handling Money
- TradingLevels®
- Robo Trading Method
- Volume
- SPI & Aussie200CFD
- Day Trading BHP
- Elliott Wave
» Glossary/Guides
Has Terms, Abbreviations and 
a brief guide to ElliottWave
» Articles
Numerous articles on
Elliott Wave, Volume,
Risk, Robo trading,
Gold and more
» In the Media
Various items published
n the press, magazines
and online
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DISCLAIMER: Trading in derivatives, such as contracts for differences CFD Trading and foreign exchange contracts Forex Day Trading, and other investment products which are leveraged, also Share Trading, can carry a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. It is possible for investors to lose substantially more than the initial deposit with CFD Trading, Forex Trading, Share Trading. Investors do not own or have rights to the underlying asset with CFD Trading and CFD Forex Trading. Please read and consider the Product Disclosure Statement from your CFD Forex Share trading platform provider before making any decision to deal in these derivatives products CFDs Forex Share Trading from Technical Analysis Trading strategies Trading Systems or any other CFD Day Trading methods or CFD Trading Strategies such as Elliott Wave.
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