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Terms Of Use

TradingLounge™ Terms and Conditions 

By subscribing to our services, you (“the client”) acknowledge that:
  • the advice given is general advice and does not take into account the client's personal objectives, financial situation or needs; and
  • because of that, the client should, before acting on the advice, consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the client’s objectives, financial situation and needs; and
  • if the advice relates to the acquisition, or possible acquisition, of a particular financial product then the client should obtain a PDS relating to the product and consider the PDS before making any decision about whether to acquire the product.
 The information provided by TradingLounge™ on the website, through TradingLounge™ Membership (TLM), and through seminars and education services has been prepared from a wide variety of sources, which TradingLounge™ to the best of its knowledge and belief, considers accurate. TradingLounge™ makes no representation and takes no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on the website or through seminars and education services. You should make your own enquiries about the investments and we strongly suggest you seek advice before acting upon any recommendation. None of Trading Levels Pty Ltd and its authorised representative (Mirabile Vincere Pty Ltd) guarantee the performance of a security or financial product that is recommended by TradingLounge™. All of Trading Levels Pty Ltd and its authorised representatives, employees, directors and associates disclaim to the maximum extent permitted by law any liability for any loss or damage however caused arising as a result of any recipient relying on recommendations through TradingLounge™ seminars and edcation or provided on the website
Financial Services Guide
 Our Financial Services Guide contains important information about the financial services provided by Trading Levels Pty Ltd through its authorised representative Mirabile Vincere Pty Ltd as trustee for the Mathers Grace Trading Trust trading as TradingLounge™. The FSG is available to view online and forms part of the Terms and Conditions of the subscription service.

Acceptance of FSG and Term & Conditions Payment for TradingLounge™ Membership; for education services, books or software products from TradingLounge™ is taken as acknowledgement that the client has read and accepted the Financial Services Guide and these Terms and Conditions.

TradingLounge™ Analysis Subscription Fees for retail clients

1 Month then 3Months - 1Month Trial TradingLounge™ Membership    
Fee: $19.95 including GST/first month, THEN $236.50/3months  Including GST

The commencement date will automatically begin on receipt of payment through the Subscription payment process (our online shop). The 1 Month Trial goes for 30 days and if you do not contact us to cancel your subscription at least 48 hours before the due date, you acknowledge that you want to continue into a 3 MonthlyTradingLounge™Analysis subscription agreement. I.e. the 1 Month Trial TradingLounge™ Membership subscription will automatically roll over to become a 3 Monthly TradingLounge™Analysis subscription and the 3 Monthly TradingLounge™Analysis fee of $236.50 including GST will then automatically be deducted from your submitted credit card, and, every 90 days after that until you cancel. If at any time you would like to cancel the subscription automatic deductions, you must email us at at least 48 hours before this recurring due date and your access will cease at the end of that current payment period.
3 Months - 3 Monthly TradingLounge™Membership   
Fee: $236.50/3months including GST

The commencement date will automatically begin on receipt of payment through the Subscription payment process. TLM 3 Month subscription fees are automatically deducted from your submitted credit card – every 90 days – the "payment period". If at any time you would like to stop the automatic deduction you must email us at at least 48 hours before this recurring due date and your access will cease at the end of the current payment period.
1 Year - Annual TradingLounge™Membership   
Fee: $874.50  including GST

The commencement date will be the day we receive cleared fees from the subscriber. The last day of the subscription period will be 365 days later. Renewals: 1. If you paid by EFT: Before your subscription lapses, you will be notified and invited to renew at the subscription rates available at the time. 2. If you paid by Credit Card: TradingLounge™ Membership (TLM) 1Year subscription fees are automatically deducted from your submitted credit card on the same date as you commenced – the "due date", every 12 months – the "payment period". If at any time you would like to stop the automatic deduction you must email us at at least 48 hours before this recurring due date and your access will cease at the end of the current payment period. There is no refund for any reason whatsoever after payment has been made for TLM 1 Year. Our service is free to try for 72 hours, and furthermore you can try our service for the relatively low cost of $19.95 inc GST for one month.
Refund Policy

Subscribers acknowledge that TradingLounge™Membership is available to trial free for a period of 72 hours, and a very low cost for the 1Month Trial period. Any "1Month then 3Months" subscription purchased can only be refunded within the first 14 days if the user is not satisfied. Any "3Month" subscription purchased can only be refunded within the first 14 days if the user has not already had a "1Month" Trial subscription.
Fees for wholesale clients
Fees and agreements for wholesale clients are negiotiated on a case by case basis.

TradingLounge™ does not pay “spotters fees” for introducing new subscribers. However every time you join up a friend, you and the friend who joins the TradingLounge Membership, will both receive an extra one month’s subscription at no extra cost.

Delivery Policy

Trade signals, analysis, trading strategies and education available to TradingLounge™Members is published by TradingLounge™. The publication is delivered online at, accessible by Members using their personal username and password to login to the Member's area of the web site. Members will have access to these from the website 5 days per week. The fee includes up to 4 weeks annual leave when some analysis will not be posted (3 weeks at Christmas and one other week when Members will be notified with four weeks notice).

Confidential Intellectual Property Access

Information published on the web site may be downloaded by clients and can be printed for personal use. TradingLounge™ Membership (TLM) information is restricted to the use of the person who has paid for it. TradingLounge™ holds the Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in relation to TradingLounge™Membership and TradingLounge™ education. TradingLounge™Membership gives access to Confidential Information that is of significant commercial value to TradingLounge™. With respect to TradingLounge™ providing you access to the Membership and/or Confidential Information, you have agreed to restrain your use of the Membership upon the terms set out below.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION means all passwords, access codes, usernames, systems, product information, documentation, material, ideas, concepts, and technical, commercial, financial or legal information relating to TradingLounge™ Membership(TLM), or TradingLounge™ that is disclosed or revealed directly or indirectly (whether orally, electronically, in writing or in any other form or media) by or on behalf of TradingLounge™.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY means any and all intellectual and industrial property rights of any kind throughout the world subsisting in or in relation to the Confidential Information or the Service, including any associated systems, processes, manuals, instructions or applications including:
(a) Inventions, discoveries and new ideas (whether or not registered or registrable as patents or designs), including developments or improvements to the TradingLounge™ web site or TLM, processes, methods or techniques;
(b) Copyright (including rights in the nature or analogous to copyright) throughout the world in all works or subject matter in which copyright subsists;
(c) moral rights;
(d) Confidential Information, and
(e) trade and service marks (whether registered or unregistered)
MEMBERSHIP means access to the analysis of stocks, derivatives and other instruments, by way of technical analysis techniques delivered through the TradingLounge™ web site. The analysis will use TradingLevels®, Elliott Wave or other means of analysis.

PERMITTED PURPOSE means providing paid users of the Membership all information of the analysis for personal education or trading.
  In consideration for accessing Membership and any Confidential Information:
(a) You will not directly or indirectly disclose, publish or communicate or assist in the disclosure, publication or communication to any other person, firm or company, or use for the benefit of any third party, reproduce or record any Confidential Information for any purpose other than that pursuant to the Permitted Purpose.
(b) You will not permit or cause any of the Confidential Information to be entered into any computer or database not solely operated and controlled by TradingLounge™ without prior written consent of TradingLounge™.
Uncertainty and Precautions  If you are uncertain as to whether any information is Confidential Information, you must treat the information as if it were Confidential Information. You must take reasonable precautions to maintain the confidentiality of and to prevent the disclosure or use of the Confidential Information.
Unauthorised Use or Disclosure
  You must immediately notify TradingLounge™ of any unauthorised disclosure or use of the Confidential Information of which you become aware.
  You acknowledge and accept that TradingLounge™ will suffer financial and other loss and damage if the Confidential Information is disclosed or used otherwise than in accordance with this agreement, and that monetary damages will be an insufficient remedy. You acknowledge and accept that in addition to any other remedy that may be available, TradingLounge™ is entitled to injunctive relief to prevent a breach of this agreement and to compel specific performance of any of its terms.
  You must indemnify TradingLounge™ against all costs, expenses, damages, actions or claims directly or indirectly incurred or suffered by TradingLounge™ as a result of any breach of this agreement by You.
This indemnity extends to all costs, damages and expenses incurred by Mirabile Vincere Pty Ltd in defending and/or settling any costs, expenses, actions, suits, proceedings, claims or demands (including legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis).

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This agreement will be governed by New South Wales law. You submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.

TradingLounge™ employees and/or associates of may hold one or more of the stocks reviewed by TradingLounge™. These holdings should not be seen as a recommendation.
  Our website utilises cookies. If you do not have cookies enabled in your web browser some functions of the site may not work as intended.
Our websites and emails may contain links to websites not owned or operated by TradingLounge™ or Trading Levels Pty Ltd. We do not accept liability for the availability or content of these sites.
Changes to the Terms & Conditions
We reserve the right to change these Terms & Conditions without notice. The date of your subscription will determine the version of the Terms & Conditions of your contract with us. If you are a subscriber for 1 Month TLM or 3 Month TLM you may need to revise these Terms & Conditions periodically to ensure you understand the current Terms & Conditions.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS V2  Dated 14 January 2015   

Mirabile Vincere Pty Ltd (ABN 49122054371)
as trustee for the Mathers Grace Trading Trust trading as
is an Authorised Representative (No 321187) 
Trading Levels Pty Ltd AFSL 317817

PO Box 331 Blackheath NSW 2785

Telephone: +61 02 4787 6020 
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