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TradingLounge: Trade of the Week - DJI profits

Dow Jones Trading
Making Profits with Wave (iii)
With the TradingLevels CFD trading strategy and Elliott Wave Theory we've been trading the Wave (iii) upwardsnetting a profit of 720 points = $7200.
Our approach is in trading the key wave structures (Wave (i) Wave (iii) and Wave (v)) upwards.
We've already successfully traded (i) upwards and the following results table are from Wave (iii).

Here are the DJI Trades

Long 15800 | Stop 15856 | Target 16000 | with 10 contracts, 200 points profits each: $2000
Long 15750 | Stop 15856 |Target 16000 | with 10 contracts, 250 points profits each: $2500
Long 15730 | Stop 15856 | Target 16000 | with 10 contracts, 270 points profits each: $2700
TOTAL PROFIT TO DATE: 720 point profit or $7200

NOTE: In the DJI index every point = $1
Next step will be to trade the Wave (v) upwards!
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