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TradingLounge: Trade of the Week - BHP

BHP Trade Robo2
Our Trading System called ‘Robo’ which has a discretionary set-up signal for the entry that is then managed mechanically. This removes the emotional aspect of being in a trade and works well for our members.
Here it's at work (with a profit so far of $2,323) on BHP...
Open BHP CFD trade from TradingLounge

1% capital risk (Our recommended exposure) = $200
which buys 740 BHP share CFDs
Entry (discretionary) $35.63
Traiing Stop (to manage risk) $37.36
Currently in Profit $2,323
This trade is still open and we will move the stop accordingly.

We place between two and five trades each day depending on market conditions. You can take our free trial to view all open and new trades plus access to our trading tools and analysis.

BHP trade

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